Kenny Lerner has performed as a co-creator and as the voice of Peter Cook in FlyingWords Project since 1984. He has also worked with other deaf artists, among them, Debbie Rennie with whom he is the co-author of "Missing Children" and "Willie." In performance, he has developed a style of voicing that aims to support the images of an ASL poem. To Kenny, the poem is the signed imagery, while the voice is a vehicle to help hearing audiences to see the images created on the signing poet's body. Kenny received a BA in History at Beloit College in Wisconsin and a MA in Deaf Education at the University of Virginia at Charlottesville. Kenny coordinated the First National ASL Literature Conference in 1991. He teaches History at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in Rochester, New York. Kenny lives in the country with his wife and two dumb dogs.
Reading and Conversation
Thu, Sep 13, 2018,
06:30 PM –
08:30 PM