Nelson Maldonado-Torres is Associate Professor in the Department of Latino and Hispanic Caribbean Studies with a joint appointment in Comparative Literature at Rutgers University. He is currently the President of the Caribbean Philosophical Association and board member of the Frantz Fanon Foundation. He is the author of Against War: Views from the Underside of Modernity (Duke UP, 2008), and La descolonización y el giro descolonial (Chiapas, Mexico: Editorial de la Universidad de la Tierra, 2011). He is also co-editor of the volume Latin@s in the World-System, and guest editor of issues on “Caribbean Philosophy” and “Thinking through the Decolonial Turn: Post-continental Interventions on Theory, Philosophy and Critique” for the journal Caribbean Studies and the web journal Transmodernity. He is also the coordinator of a dossier on “Postcontinental Philosophy” for the web journal Worlds and Knowledges Otherwise, and co-editor of a special issue on Lewis Gordon for the C.L.R. James Journal, as well as of a special issue dedicated to Robert Allen’s Black Awakening in Capitalist America in the journal The Black Scholar.
