Dr. Kyrah Malika Daniels is Assistant Professor of Art History, Africana Studies, and Theology at Boston College. Her first book (Art of the Healing Gods, in progress) is a comparative religion project that examines sacred art objects used in healing ceremonies of Haiti and Congo-Kinshasa. Following the Haitian earthquake of 2010, she worked in St. Raphael with Lakou Soley Academic and Cultural Arts Center, a grassroots organization that develops arts-based pedagogy. Her work has been published in the Journal of Africana Religions, the Journal of Haitian Studies, and the Journal for the American Academy of Religion. Daniels currently serves as Vice-President for KOSANBA, the Scholarly Association for the Study of Haitian Vodou, and as a Leadership Council Member for the African and Diasporic Religious Studies Association (ADRSA).
community discussion and performance series
Tue, Feb 2, 2021,
04:00 PM –
06:00 PM