DeAnna Hoskins is President of JustLeadershipUSA (JLUSA). Dedicated to cutting the US correctional population in #halfby2030, JLUSA empowers people most affected by incarceration to drive policy reform. A nationally recognized leader and dynamic public speaker, Ms. Hoskins has been committed to the movement for justice, working alongside people impacted by incarceration for nearly two decades. Ms. Hoskins believes in collective leadership, advocacy for justice reinvestment, and bold systems change. Ms. Hoskins leads with her own life experience having been directly impacted by the system of incarceration and the war on drugs and with her professional experience from the grassroots to the federal government. She is inspired to make the world more just with communities across the country, and for her three children – two that have experienced the criminal justice system.
Performance and Conversation
Thu, Oct 25, 2018,
06:30 PM –
08:30 PM