About the NYC Climate Justice Hub

Launched in September 2023, the NYC Climate Justice Hub is a partnership between the City University of New York (CUNY)—the nation’s largest public urban university—and the NYC Environmental Justice Alliance (NYC-EJA)—a coalition of grassroots organizations who have led the fight for climate justice in NYC since 1991. By uniting CUNY and NYC-EJA, the Hub strengthens and fortifies just transition efforts led by frontline communities of color across NYC.

The Hub’s mission is to support NYC-EJA’s efforts to advance climate justice for New York City’s underserved, working-class Black and Brown communities. The Hub accomplishes this through the creation and the activation of new and existing trans-disciplinary systems and cross-sectoral networks that ensure CUNY robustly supports NYC-EJA—and the coalition of organizations and campaigns it brings together—in their efforts to accelerate “just transitions” in NYC. Through the creation of research teams, educational platforms, and a leadership development “vine,” the Hub prepares a generation of CUNY students to enter the workforce as climate leaders, operationalizes climate justice infrastructure at CUNY, and advances NYC-EJA’s transformative research agenda.

The NYC Climate Justice Hub is the largest of several “hubs” that have been created around the nation through a series of generous grants from the Waverley Street Foundation. This initiative supports minority-serving universities to work with place-based environmental justice organizations to advance the interests and aspirations of frontline communities most impacted by climate change. The current grant under which the NYC Climate Justice Hub is operating is for a 2-year pilot (2023-2025), with opportunities for future funding.

ICYMI: Elizabeth Yeampierre's speech at the HUB's Launch

Elizabeth Yeampierre is the executive director at UPROSE, located in Sunset Park, Brooklyn and one of the six NYC-EJA member organizations participating in the NYC Climate Justice Hub. She addresses elected officials, members of the press, climate justice researchers and academics, and environmental justice advocates during the NYC Climate Justice Hub Launch on September 19, 2023 about the importance of “shared power” in the fight for climate justice. Video by Marvic Paulo, captioned and edited by Charlie Overton and Pierina Pighi Bel.

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Also, if you are interested in participating or collaborating in our programs or events or have a suggestion, we want to hear from you! Fill out our General Interest Form and share your ideas with us.

Audience at the Hub's launch (Photo by Tianqi Liao).
Audience at the Hub's launch (Photo by Tianqi Liao).

Programs and Initiatives

Through the NYC Climate Justice Hub, resources at CUNY are allocated into three core programs that serve the climate justice campaigns and priorities communicated by NYC-EJA and six of their participating member organizations.

Research Program

Each of the six participating NYC-EJA member groups is paired with a research team coordinated by CUNY faculty and students and supported by the Hub. The teams conduct research on behalf of an assigned NYC-EJA organization partner towards that organization’s campaign goals and priorities. Additional Research Teams also support NYC-EJA city and state wide campaigns such as CAMP-EJ and NY Renews.

Kendra Sullivan, Michael Menser, Eddie Bautista (NYC-EJA), Alexandria McBride (Waverley Street Foundation), Letitia James (NYS Attorney General), Jumaane Williams (NYC Public Advocate), Jessica Clemente (We Stay/Nos Quedamos), Marco Carrión (El Puente), Damaris Reyes (GOLES).
Kendra Sullivan, Michael Menser, Eddie Bautista (NYC-EJA), Alexandria McBride (Waverley Street Foundation), Letitia James (NYS Attorney General), Jumaane Williams (NYC Public Advocate), Jessica Clemente (We Stay/Nos Quedamos), Marco Carrión (El Puente), Damaris Reyes (GOLES).

El Puente is studying the detrimental impacts of active truck routes and heavy automobile traffic reliant on the Williamsburg Bridge and Brooklyn Queens Expressway (BQE). The research will result in a comprehensive report outlining proposed changes to street designs and modal networks that could be developed for implementation by NYCDOT and would improve safety, livability, and quality of life for the Los Sures community. The key emphasis of this report will focus on mitigation measures and alternatives to existing truck routes, addressing daily traffic congestion within Los Sures and along the relevant portion of the BQE.

An extension of this project, concerned with the mitigation of the dense transportation infrastructure within Los Sures, is the BQGreen project. An average of 110,000 cars travel through the Southside via the BQE daily, emitting approximately 20,000 pounds of pollutants per day. As a result, Southside has amongst the highest asthma rates in the city. The BQGreen initiative would reduce air and water pollution, and reduce the instances of asthma and other health-related issues caused by air pollution from the massive volume of commercial and noncommercial vehicles that pass through the community.

BQGreen is the community-driven initiative to deck the open portion of the BQE that dips into the community with park space. BQGreen will create a “park out of thin air” by integrating Marcy Green and Rodney Park, two existing parks that are currently adjacent to the expressway. The completion of the traffic study will help inform the beginnings of other research looking into how the decking and closure of certain truck routes would alter traffic behavior in the surrounding community.

The Point CDC is embarking on two core projects to improve air quality, health outcomes, and cooperative infrastructure in Hunts Point, South Bronx. The first project explores community energy infrastructure (community owned solar, microgrid, and battery storage) with a focus on lowering energy costs for Hunts Point residents and funding for future infrastructure. This connects to The Point’s broader resilience initiatives, such as the Hunts Point Community Network (HPCN), which provides free wifi for residents and local businesses, allowing for greater accessibility to the Internet and connectivity within the community before, during, and after extreme weather events and other disasters. The project will analyze how membership and subscribership to community solar works, particularly how The Point as a non-profit would be able to build out a community governance structure to oversee these operations. The second project aims to implement a process for identifying underutilized land to use for multi-site community solar in Hunts Point. This will expand on The Point’s solar work as the community partner for The Bronx is Breathing, an initiative that includes building an electric charging station, solar canopies, and establishing an electric truck cooperative located on a former brownfield in the food distribution center.

UPROSE's key research priorities are related to The GRID 2.0 report. The Green Resilient Industrial District (GRID) 2.0 is a transformative economic development strategy designed for Sunset Park, offering a comprehensive plan for the next twelve years. Encompassing 28 updated objectives, this plan aims to facilitate a just transition within Sunset Park by 2035. The GRID 2.0 envisions revisiting and updating strategies by 2035, aligning with NYC’s goal of achieving total carbon neutrality by 2050. To implement the GRID 2.0, UPROSE has strategically selected two initial action items that move the 28 objectives forward. Firstly, this partnership will conduct a meticulous real estate mapping initiative analyzing purchases along the Sunset Park waterfront, aiming to optimize land use and infrastructure for sustainable development. This action item aims to answer, "What can we discover about recent trends in real estate sales and related activities that will help inform potential future actions?” In order to answer this question, the research team is creating a dynamic web map with real-time data profiling Sunset Park properties. Secondly, this partnership will continue research on food sovereignty in the neighborhood by analyzing possible connections to upstate farmers with a local food hub in Sunset Park. This action item aims to answer 1) How can we identify sites in Sunset Park to cultivate food sovereignty? 2) What opportunities and barriers exist to setting up a food distribution hub in the industrial waterfront? 3) How can food sovereignty in Sunset Park help diversify food resources and improve food security in the city?

We Stay/Nos Quedamos is creating a popular education curriculum that bridges environmental justice and housing issues. Over 30 years ago, We Stay/Nos Quedamos (NQ) was born out of a community organizing effort to resist forced displacement and propose an alternative urban renewal plan in Melrose Commons. Today, we recognize that our work is far from finished. Our goal with this project is to create an environmental justice and housing justice organizing curriculum rooted in the history of the South Bronx that bridges environmental justice and housing justice, equipping the We Stay/Nos Quedamos Environmental Justice Youth Team with the tools to learn, educate, empower, and organize with and for their communities. This curriculum includes scheduled organizing training and place-based, bilingual, and intergenerational workshops on understanding and mapping environmental justice and housing issues facing Melrose and the South Bronx. Module topics include the following: We Stay/Nos Quedamos in the History of the South Bronx; Intro to Climate Justice and Environmental Justice; Intro to Housing Justice and Anti-Displacement Organizing; Air Quality, Asthma, and Transportation Justice; Heat Burden and Green Space/Waterfront Access; Food Justice, Urban Food Sovereignty, and Community Gardens; Energy Justice, Renewable Energy Sources, and the “Just Transition”; Sanitation and Waste Equity Campaigns, Recycling and Compost; Flooding and Stormwater Management in New York City; and The Importance of Storytelling, Organizing, and Advocacy for the Future of the Bronx.

Brooklyn Movement Center is researching how Central Brooklyn’s physical environment undermines community sustainability and contributes to disproportionate premature death and illness among Black residents. Central Brooklyn is defined as Bed-Stuy, Crown Heights, and the surrounding neighborhoods. These communities have been marked by generations of disinvestment, unique environmental challenges, and currently a level of displacement that not only threatens the health of the community, but its very ability to stay in place. Past studies conducted on the environmental determinants of health, heat island effects, and energy inequity in Central Brooklyn and their results have not made it to the communities studied. With this in mind, the objective of BMC’s research is to (1) engage the Central Brooklyn community in the research process, (2) identify solutions and put strategies into practice, (3) create opportunities for policy advocacy and change. The research is being developed alongside Black Central Brooklynites to create and practice strategies that employ a practical application of scientific studies and create policy advocacy both informed by science and lived experience that touch on the following priority areas: environmental/social determinants of health, implications of extreme heat, and energy democracy–micro-grid and strategies toward community control.

GOLES is creating and deploying a survey to assess community perception and understanding of environmental justice, climate justice, and waterfront resiliency in the Lower East Side (LES) of Manhattan. The area has already seen the impacts of climate change, including increased temperatures and more frequent and severe storms. The combination of environmental and social factors in the area renders it especially susceptible to climate change due to several challenges, including the presence of housing built on former marshland, deteriorating infrastructure, and inconsistent utility services due to landlord neglect. The survey will gauge the community's understanding of two major waterfront resiliency projects: the East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR) project and the Brooklyn Bridge Montgomery Coastal Resilience (BMCR) project. It will also ask residents how current development in the neighborhood affects their well-being and will assess the community's awareness of the New York State (NYS) Green Amendment, which guarantees that every person in NYS "shall have a right to clean air and water, and a healthful environment." The results of the survey will culminate into a Community Resiliency Plan and identify 10-12 climate/environmental justice campaigns to activate with LES residents. The final deliverable will be a policy report that will summarize the key findings of the survey, present the significance of the findings from a climate justice and environmental justice perspective, and present actionable steps that policymakers can take to address environmental justice issues in the Lower East Side.

Classes and Curriculum Program

CUNY faculty at any level (part-time, full-time, graduate, undergraduate, etc.) who are teaching courses with an environmental or climate justice focus—or are aiming to develop such curriculum—are invited to meet with each other, share syllabi, and connect to climate justice content and NYC-EJA organizations and their campaigns.

Members of the Hub with some speakers at the launch.
Michael Menser, Michael Higgins (Brooklyn Movement Center), María Torres (The Point CDC), Mariposa Fernández, Ryan Mann-Hamilton, Denise Thompson (NYC Climate Justice Hub), Eunice Ko (NYC-EJA), Kendra Sullivan (NYC Climate Justice Hub) (Photo by Tianqi Liao).

CUNY Climate Justice Academy and Ambassador Program

This program provides an emerging generation of climate justice leaders from across CUNY with the skills, networks, and opportunities they need to advance climate solutions through study, service-learning, professional development, research and advocacy projects, and campaign and policy development. By establishing a leadership vine that links CUNY students to community-based organizations in their own neighborhoods, the Climate Academy and Ambassador Program creates key access points for student engagement in just transitions. (Applications for the fellowship will open Spring 2024 and are available to undergraduate and graduate students enrolled at CUNY.)

For each of its three programs, the NYC Climate Justice Hub’s agenda is set by NYC-EJA and six of its member organizations.

Participating Partners

Logo de El Puente

The Point CDC



Nos Quedamos


CUNY campuses work with these leading community organizations and the neighborhoods they represent. Four campuses in particular are the foundation of the collaboration:

Brooklyn College


John Jay College of Criminal Justice

Get Involved!

Thank you for your interest in the NYC Climate Justice Hub! To learn more about the Hub or to get involved, please email [email protected].

This page will be updated regularly. Please check back frequently for more information, updates, opportunities, and announcements! Be the first to know about what is happening at the Hub by signing up for our monthly newsletter!


Climate Justice focuses on the root causes of the climate crisis through an intersectional lens of racism, classism, capitalism, economic injustice, and environmental harm. Climate justice supports a Just Transition for communities and workers away from a fossil fuel economy and focuses on making the necessary systemic changes to address unequal burdens to our communities and to realign our economy with our natural systems. As a form of environmental justice, climate justice means that all species have the right to access and obtain the resources needed to have an equal chance of survival and freedom from discrimination. As a movement, climate justice advocates are working from the grassroots up to create real solutions for climate mitigation and adaptation that ensure the right of all people to live, learn, work, play, and pray in safe, healthy, and clean environments (A People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Economy).

Environmental justice is the international movement of low-income communities and communities of color standing in solidarity against hazardous environmental and infrastructure burdens of environmental amenities and equity confronting their communities. (NY Renews Climate and Environmental Justice Glossary)

Just transition refers to the sociopolitical and economic transformation that encompasses the shift to renewable energy. A just transition prioritizes the process and goals of a move away from fossil fuels, emphasizing grassroots democratic decision-making. A just transition requires addressing intersectional systems of oppression and uplifts communities and people who have been subject to environmental racism and injustice. A just transition also involves a return of resource control (including land, water, and food systems) to the people, specifically Indigenous communities whose land has been stolen and exploited through energy extraction for centuries. A just transition also supports workers transitioning from employment in fossil fuel industries to renewable energy via job retraining, direct support, and more. (NY Renews Climate and Environmental Justice Glossary)


Hub Staff and Advisory Board

Alan Minor

NYC Climate Justice Hub NYC-EJA Coordinator